I thought I would write up some of the info I have came across which I think may link the Golden State Killer Joseph James DeAngelo with the earlier Zodiac Murders. There are just too many coincidences and whilst you can often write off the odd similarity as you'll see from my notes taken from Victims, Police Officers & Witness Reports, the similarities just keep coming.
Throughout his crimes as EAR/ONS I will also add pieces of information where I thought the killer was trying to send a message to police in the form of taunts, calls and letters. There were several attacks where he may have known his victims. Due to the legal and university/college connections not to mention the militaty connection too it is possible he stalked many of his victims for a time before attacking.
1 For example when Zodiac was mistaken for a black male suspect he sent a letter to police practically laughing at them due to their failure in catching him. The East Area rapist in attack 41 December 1978 EAR was mistaken for a black male due to the way he spoke, he was known to try and disguise his voice but was he hinting to Police that his true identity was not EAR but Zodiac
1A We also have the phone call to Police in March of 1977, the East Area Rapist called Police to say " I'm the East Area Rapist then laughed". Did EAR laugh because he was really Zodiac and was still taunting Police.
2 Zodiac is described wearing a Belt with 12 Inch Knife in Sheath to side and possible holster on the opposite side.
2A East Area Rapist in attack 3 the witness describes the attacker as wearing a linemans belt, the young daughter had got a good look at the attacker and described the belt as having a sword to the side, a child would consider a large 12 inch knife as a sword.
3 Zodiac cut a piece of Paul Stines shirt, would be interesting to know what he cut it with, Knife?
3A East Area Rapist would cut towels into strips, in Attack 37 he also cut the Victim's nightdress off piece by piece.
4 Zodiac attacked one couple at Lake Berryessa, another at Blue Rock Springs, did he sail on the Lake's & River's was this a hunting ground for him.
4A In Attack 39 the East Area Rapist said to his victim " I've seen you at the lake" which lake was he referring to? did he also sail boats in the lakes and rivers?
5 The Zodiac Letters often have many spelling mistakes, some quite strange to look at like lyeing, I notice the Christmass with the mass as in Religious term, if we look at a Zodiac Letter and the Golden State Killer's Mad is the Word where I do find similarities in some of the letters, I've added arrows specifically to the d, t, a and w, I find the loops on the d very alike as well as the t's, the a's look like o's and the w is rounded to the bottom. I've added the letters below for you to take a look at.

6 Zodiac surprised his victims by walking up to their cars and shooting on first sight, the young couples were usually in an embrace, kissing etc, the same could be said of the young couple at Lake Berryessa. In page 454 of Kat Winters & Keith Kronos EAR/ONS Case Files they mention that EAR seeing couples having sex could have been what flipped his switch so in my opinion both Killers have the same initial switch before attacking.
7 Both Zodiac & The Golden State Killer used Marine Knots in their bindings, both got the female to tie up the male before binding the woman then binding the man again. They both tied the knots very tightly with their victims hands going numb for several hours after, in one EAR case the victims hands had turned black.
8 The following Letter called the Little List was sent to the San Francisco Chronicle in July 1970 being the last of Zodiac's letters. The Letter had a piece from the Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan which detailed people who would not be missed. What grabbed my attention about this letter is it talks of a Judicial Hummerest.
8A Ten years later in March 1980 the Original Nightstalker would kill Lyman Smith a Divorce Lawyer & Prosecutor who was up for election as Judge. Did Joseph James DeAngelo know this victim. We know his wife was a Family Lawyer so there could be a connection. Charlene Smith had a Brother, James Doyle who worked as a Police Officer and died in an incident at a College Campus in 1975, it's possible Joseph James DeAngelo knew him. There are several connections in this case which require further research.
9 Zodiac stated to Law Enforcement that he would change the way he killed, in the San Francisco Chronicle Letter dated 9th Nov 1969, Zodiac is telling the Police how angry he is with Police for telling lies about him and that he will no longer tell them when he is going to commit his murders and they will never catch him as he is too clever. His murders will look like routine robberies, killings of anger and a few fake accidents.
9A In Page 943 of Kat Winters & Keith Kronos EAR/ONS Case Files they refer to the East Area Rapist changing his M.O at the time of the ONS murders. The mention how EAR is trying to distance himself from the murders by not ransacking, changing the ligatures.
10 Zodiac said to his victims " All I want is money and your car"
10A Golden State Killer "All I want is money and food"
11 At Lake Berryessa, survivor Bryan Hartnell would say that he felt Zodiac stand and stare before walking off.
11A Several of EAR victims would say they could feel him standing over them, staring, sometimes with heavy breathing.
12 Witnesses said Zodiac spoke slowly, concentrated. Sometimes like he was reading lines when calling on the phone, he would not stop talking and raised his voice over the operators until he said his piece, he said goodbye in a slow taunting manner.
12A The Golden State Killer was said to speak in a concentrated manner also through clenched teeth he would often tell victims to shut up even though he had asked them something, he got angrier when they weren't quiet and would raise his voice in a threatning manner.
13 Both Zodiac and the Golden State Killers Masks appeared Home Made plus they both only had slits for the eyes in the beginning of Zodiac and the EAR attacks.
14 In both Zodiac and Golden State Killer crimes we have witnesses that describe a similar looking man with a shuffled gait, slightly bow legged, little slouched or head down.
15 Both Killers had a nonchalant way about them, no fear in getting caught, no running away, they were both very calm under stressful situations. Seemed to thrive in playing games.
In my next post I will go into some unsolved murders that may be attributed to Jospeh James DeAngelo. Zodiac did say he would murder by Gun, Knife, Fire and Rope, all the skills Joseph James DeAngleo has and I believed used in his many crimes