With looking at the case of Zodiac's Celebrity Cypher, my friend came across the Scorpion Letter which Zodiac sent to John Walsh, a presenter of American's Most Wanted in 1991. Law Enforcement released a few pages of The Scorpion Letter with 2 Cipher's known as S1 & S5, my friend had been looking at the comments when he saw Mr Betyko's translation of the Scorpion Letter Code. The below post can be found at the following website which shows the Scorpion Letter https://ciphermysteries.com/other-ciphers/scorpion-ciphers
When ? the letter after not sure (N or A) or both*
So it could be:
Or sometime like that
As I had seen DeAngelo's name in the Celebrity Cypher Code, my friend observed a name he knew and got in touch, I took at look at the code and realized what it might be saying and here it is SASAESIH(?)LOD(?)RD(?)M(N or A)D becomes
SHARON HUDDLE IS MAD, the N or A becomes an N and the 3 ? become H, U & A
My friend also noted the bottom code of SASAESIHLODRDMNAD becomes
Could it really be? DeAngelo and his wife Sharon Huddle were separated in 1991 with Sharon looking into Divorce proceedings, could this be the reason it was sent, was JJD enraged by his Wife leaving him? Did he want a stand off with law enforcement? an interesting factor for me in the Scorpion Letter is the way Zodiac states that he doesn't want to be taken alive, if ever, he says he believes in superior firepower.
Investigator's knew DeAngelo would never be taken alive and worried about the firearms he had in the home. They made sure JJD was unarmed and in his garden when they arrested him and I truly believe this man did not want caught and if he had the chance he would have armed himself and opened fire.
You can read the Scorpion Letters here
I had a link sent to me on reddit this morning from murderinc who has done an amazing amount of work on Joseph James DeAngelo, directing me to the Scorpion Letter section of his site I couldn't help but see the Corps in Scorpion and thought I wonder if there was a Navy Corps Division with the IO letters and discovered that there is indeed a Division of the Navy Corps and they are Information Officer's, IO's usually come from the Cryptologist Community but their work entails, Signals Intelligence to Psychological Operations, Military Deception, Operations Security and Computer Network Operations.
Is this what the Scorpion is possibly alluding to?, I have no idea if anyone has spotted this before but I feel it's possibly a link with the Navy and the Zodiac which would be another factor to add the many we already have that this has all been the work of one man Joseph James DeAngelo.

I'd like to thank all the amazing people out there who have done so much research on both subjects of the Zodiac and the Golden State Killer. It has made my job so much easier in trying to piece the timeline together and write my blog about my journey so far and my belief that Joseph James DeAngelo is the Zodiac Killer, hopefully we can resolve some of the many unsolved murders still awaiting justice and aid the families in knowing what happened to the loved ones they have lost.
These are fake Zodiac letters. The list of Zodiac communications authenticated by police is located here: https://zodiackiller.com/Letters.html